টুটুম জানতে চায় মেঘের কথা pdf download | চমক হাসান pdf book

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tutum jante chaay megher kotha book by Chamok Hasan pdf download from Pdfporo.

tutum jante chaay megher kotha book pdf download

টুটুম জানতে চায় মেঘের কথা pdf download

বইঃটুটুম জানতে চায় মেঘের কথা
লেখকঃচমক হাসান
ফরম্যাটঃপিডিএফ ফাইল
ক্যাটাগরিঃগল্পের বই PDF
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টুটুম জানতে চায় মেঘের কথা-চমক হাসান pdf download

চমক হাসান এর বই Pdf

চমক হাসান এর অন্যান্য বইগুলোর মধ্যে রয়েছে,,

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3. যুক্তিফাঁদে ফড়িংPDF
4. নিমিখ পানেPDF
5. নিবিড় গণিতPDF
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Chamak Hasan is one of the few young writers in Bangladesh who have gained a lot of popularity among the readers at present. He is widely admired not only as a writer but also as a successful YouTuber and social media personality. Chamak Hasan was born on 26 July 1986 in Kushtia district. He spent his childhood and adolescence there. After studying in Kushtia till high school, he was admitted in the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at Bangladesh University of Engineering and graduated from there. He is currently completing his PhD at the University of South Carolina in the United States. pdf book

Chamak Hasan is a dreamer who hopes that the students of this country will come out of the confined education system and read textbooks written in simple language and will grow up loving science, which is why he started writing about it. Chamak Hasan has 14 books written with love for mathematics and science. Notable among Chamak Hasan’s books are ‘Ank Bhaiya’, ‘Awesome Science Package for Awesome Students’, ‘Happy Mathematics in the Color of Mathematics’, ‘Genetics in Story’ etc. Chamak Hasan’s book helps students to easily understand math and science in many ways.


1. বইটির লেখক?

চমক হাসান

2. বইটির প্রকাশনী?


3. বইটির দাম?

রকমারিতে বইটির দাম ১৫০ টাকা মাত্র ৷

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